Hello, world
About this blog / site / whatever
Now and then, I try to setup a blog in a non-intrusive way. This time, I am setting on Hugo, which is a static site generator.
About me
At the bottom of this page, courtesy of the theme I am using, you will find some links to know a little more about me. Just some remarks here:
- Born in 1970
- First computer in 1983 (Commodore 64)
- Enjoyed programming immediately (fun with peek and poke)
- Moved on to
- Amiga - Video Games and C Programming
- MS DOS - Turbo Pascal, Turbo C, Turbo Vision Libraries
- Windows - Delphi, PowerBuilder, Java
- Linux (finally!) - Python, Java, Cloud, DevOps
Currently running my business - RED Software Systems in Monza, Italy